Thursday, 21 June 2012

Final Progress Report

Comparing the Convergence Time
 Routing Protocols

By: Egious Tapera
Cyprien Nzohabona
Tevita Vaka


It is sometimes a daunting task for non-experienced networking personnel to choose the best routing protocol to use on their networks. Why is it important to choose a routing protocol? Routing protocols can help in deriving the best performances of offered services from our networks in terms of availability and quality of service (QoS).There's need to understand the local network environment and the traffic which will be involved since most organisations are implementing converged networks. There are several routing protocols exist nowadays but in this research will try explore and choosing the best routing protocol between RIPv2, OSPF and EIGRP on the basis of convergence in a network and the choices will be made through experimenting and research. It must also be borne in mind that there has to be some tradeoffs in any choice one makes.This research will try to make it easier in selecting the best routing protocol bearing in mind the short falls of each protocol and the type traffic involved. We will test the protocols in various network designs or scenarios to reveal the performances of the routing protocols. The performance of these routing protocols are analyzed using laboratory  network and some simulation tools to enable us to generate realistic data , at the same time collecting realistic measurements. These measurements and data will then be used to provide recommendations. 


We want to thank Herve'  Carpentier our supervisor for his ongoing encouragement and guidance on technical content during the project and also every members of our group for all the contribution and hard work that they put in for the progress of this research.


ABSTRACT.................................................................................................................... 4
ACKNOWLEDGEMENT.................................................................................................. 4
INTRODUCTION........................................................................................................... 5
PROCEDURE AND METHODOLOGY.............................................................................. 6
BACKGROUND of ROUTING PROTOCOLS......................................................................7
            3.1 RIP v2.........................................................................................................7
            3.2 EIGRP.........................................................................................................8
            3.3 OSPF..........................................................................................................9

EXPERIMENTS/SAMPLE RESULTS................................................................................11

            4.1 RIP v2 TEST RESULTS..................................................................................12
            4.2 EIGRP TEST RESULTS..................................................................................14
            4.3 OSPF TEST RESULTS...................................................................................16

FURTHER WORK NEEDED...........................................................................................16



1. Introduction

Routing protocols are very important in our networks since this is the mechanism for routers or devices in autonomous systems to share routes and update each other of which routes are operational and those that are not. It simply provides the forum for devices to share the intelligence of routes and provide network resilience where alternate routes exist. There are two different categories of routing protocols which are Interior Gateway Protocols (RIPv2, EIGRP and OSPF) and Exterior Gateway Protocols (BGP). These routing protocols use different methods for the selection of best routes to use and which routes can be used when unexpected failures do occur within the network. The mechanisms that are used by these routing protocols make them different and unique.
The goal of this project to investigate the behaviour of routing convergence time of the selected protocols and compare them. We are going to carry out an in-depth study of them so as to be able to compare the protocols and be able to advise which one is best to use. We are going to assist IT professionals, without experience, choose the right protocol by comparison and evaluation of the routing protocols based on performance metrics such as network convergence, network convergence activity, CPU utilization and bandwidth utilization. We are going to concentrate this research to the working of the Interior Gateway Protocols namely RIPv2, EIGRP and OSPF 

2. Procedure and Methodology

Our research has mainly focused on giving advice on which protocols to use dependent on the convergence time. This advice does not come easily in an environment where there are many routing protocols and which have variable, rather different mechanics of operation.  The other aspect to complicate the already difficult task is that no organisational networks are the same hence are built for different purposes which is why it becomes crucial to give advice or recommend certain routing protocols.  In order to achieve this we have looked at designing different test network topologies  which we will call scenarios, and these have been used in the laboratory to test the performance of the three routing protocols.
The approach taken was that once each scenario was set up each routing protocol was configured one at a time and ensured that there was end to end connectivity between end devices.  We then set and varied certain parameters which we 'assumed', from routing protocol theory, would affect the rate of convergence. It was mandatory to run all the three protocols one at time on the same scenario and captured results for analysis.
Our tests were targeted on some critical issues like the available bandwidth, load on interfaces, technology /hardware/equipment type, size of network, and memory size. We believe these have a bearing on the network convergence times.
From the details so far it can be seen that this research is mainly qualitative, we are looking at what makes one routing protocol superior than others, and hence most of our outcomes would be raw data which we can then process. So we have used commands to extract the data software to capture it, which would be the end result of some processes and processing within individual devices in the autonomous system. Convergence time we looking at is the time it takes the devices in network to notice a failure within it , work out an alternative route , relay the information within the network and resume to transmit data using the new route. This is the time we are considering as convergence in our project, when devices have the same information on how to route data to its intended destination.
During the tests we simulated faults on network by either disconnecting or shutting down fast ethernet or serial links.

The comparative analysis has been done in the same network with proposed protocols and performance has been evaluated on the basis of some parameters aimed to figure out the effects of routing protocols.

3.  Background of Routing Protocols

 We cannot give good reason for the adaptation of these protocols without understanding the complete autonomous systems. It is therefore, of paramount importance to have an understanding of the routing protocols this research is concentrating on namely RIPv2, EIGRP and OSPF. This background will help up us predict the behaviours of the protocols and assist us in the comparisons and analysis of the convergence times. 

3.1  RIPv2

Routing Information Protocol version 2 (RIPv2) is an improved version of its earlier version and both of them are a distance vector protocols. This means that they make use of direction and distance to a required destination within the network. It is based on the Bellman-Ford algorithm and it only uses a single routing metric, which is the hop count, to measure the distance between the source and destination network. Each router tells its neighbour what it knows, that is, the networks directly connected to it and the neighbour passes the information to its neighbour. It is generally referred to as routing by "gossip". The hops are incremented each time is passes a node or router to ascertain the number of hops to reach that particular destination. 15 hops is the maximum number of hops which is allowed between source and destination network above that the network is unreachable.
To maintain the network within the autonomous system RIPv2 makes use of timers for the devices to inform each other of routes still operational and those that have failed.  Those that are no longer operational are removed from the routing table. The default timers are listed bellow these can be changed to meet certain operation standards as explained later in the research.

The default settings of the four timers are:

  • 30s (update timer), Initiates the sending of the routing table
  • 180s (invalid timer), is set each time a routing table is received and failure to receive will start this timer and its expiry means the route is unusable.
  • 180s (hold-down timer) is initiated when an invalid timer expires and it keeps route for the duration of the timer in case route comes back. 
  • 240s (flush timer) Route will be removed after the expiry of the flush time

It is important to understand these mechanics for the effective investigation of how these affect convergence time and how to make the best of them. We will explore these factors in our research.


Enhanced Interior Gateway Routing Protocol (EIGRP) is a Cisco proprietary routing protocol which is mainly supported on Cisco devices. When a network has a mixture of devices other routing protocols can be used or a mixture depending on the network setup. Since the devices we using are all Cisco devices we will be investigating the performance of EIGRP routing protocol for the comparisons.
EIGRP is also known as a Hybrid routing protocol since it combines the best features of Distance -Vector and Link-State routing protocols. It uses Diffusing Update Algorithm (DUAL) for the calculation on the best routes to use within the autonomous system. It uses bandwidth and delay for the calculation of its metric and uses hello packets to monitor and maintain network connections. This protocol stores its data in three main tables namely:-
  •  Interface table- stores all the interfaces that have been configured to process        EIGRP 
  • Neighbour table- keeps track of all live neighbors and any new neighbors
  • Topology table- keeps track of all advertised routes within and without the autonomous system, routes with low metrics are then offered to the IP routing table.                            
Through the use of DUAL EIGRP keeps backup routes which offer alternative path to destination networks. This gives it an edge when a link fails if a feasible successor exists the protocol has no need to recalculate but offers that as a usable route ,it saves time. We will explore more to see some of these routing protocol features at work in our experiments

Link-State algorithm is when routers do not send every router its routing table but sends information about the links they have established or lost to other routers.
  • Non-Periodic - on change only
  • Partial - only relevant changes
  • Bounded - sent to effecting neighbors

3.3 OSPF

Open Shortest Path First (OSPF) is a link state routing protocol that uses a Shortest Path First (SPF), which calculates the least cost, in combination with the Djikstras algorithm to calculate shortest best routes to destinations. OSPF uses cost as its metric which means in its calculation it selects the least cost path to a destination node. OSPF is a link state routing protocol that is used to distribute information within a single Autonomous System. Link state routing protocol constructs a tree structure of the network which fully describes all possible routes together with their costs. This means that each router has full knowledge of the whole network in its autonomous system and selects its routes it will use to reach various networks within its domain.

All routers need to have the following for neighbor adjacency to form

  • Area ID
  • Same Subnet
  • Authentication (if used)
  • Hello Interval timer
  • Dead Interval timer
  • Area type (Stub, NSSA)
  • Router ID must be unique



- We have used the same Topology on all the 3 routing Protocols as we needed to compare them after we get the final results.
- 6 Cisco Routers                  - 3 Layer 3 Switches
- 3 Layer 2 Switches             - 6 PC (Host connected to different Vlans)

This protocol uses hop count and the  routes with less hops are selected and used for transmitting data. Hence can choose some suboptimal routes to destinations
R1#sh ip route
C is directly connected, FastEthernet0/0
R [120/2] via, 00:00:22, FastEthernet0/0
R [120/2] via, 00:00:22, FastEthernet0/0 is subnetted, 6 subnets
R [120/1] via, 00:00:22, FastEthernet0/0

The highlighted areas show the hops to the relevant networks.

DLS0# ping repeat 200
Type escape sequence to abort.
Sending 200, 100-byte ICMP Echos to, timeout is 2 seconds:
Packet sent with a source address of

Success rate is 91 percent (182/200), round-trip min/avg/max = 17/166/219 ms

We had 182 successful pings and 18 pings packet are lost; it can be translated into thirty-six seconds’ traffic lost because the timeout of each ping packet is two seconds. So this can be attributed to 36 seconds  for the network to converge and begin re-transmitting the pings again.

 The above is output is from Wire shark
The yellow highlighted area reveals the time taken from the moment of link failure to when the devices re-start sending data/packets.  This can be the time taken for the router to converged.


We noted a difference in behaviour when we had the following outputs configured on our routers,  we were expecting EIGRP to choose the route from R7àR6 àR5 because it had higher bandwidth than R7àR6àR4. On convergence the lesser bandwidth route was still being selected, possibly because it had less delay and hops. Even increasing the bandwidth to 3 times of the link, EIGRP kept using the shorter route. It revealed to us that the difference should be really high if the route has an additional hop. More has to be investigated on this issue to determine the exact cause.
R5 to R6
                                       R5 output
R5#sh int s0/2/0
Serial0/2/0 is up, line protocol is up
  Hardware is GT96K Serial
  Internet address is
  MTU 1500 bytes, BW 5000 Kbit, DLY 20000 usec,
  reliability 255/255, txload 1/255, rxload 1/255
<output omitted>
Available Bandwidth 3750kilobits/sec
5 minute input rate 0 bits/sec, 0 packets/sec

R4 to R6
                   R4 OUTPUT
Serial0/0/1 is up, line protocol is up
 Hardware is GT96K Serial
 Internet address is
 MTU 1500 bytes, BW 1544Kbit, DLY 20000 usec,
 reliability 255/255, txload 1/255, rxload 1/255
<output omitted>
Available Bandwidth 1158kilobits/sec
5 minute input rate 0 bits/sec, 0 packets/sec
10000 pings DLS2 to Host connected to ALS1
10000 pings DLS2 to Host connected to ALS1 (port-channel disabled)
* First Packet: 2012-06-16 21:54:10
 *Last Packet: 2012-06-16 21:54:48
* Elapsed: 00:00:38

Traffic captured:
* Packets:    20032
* Between first and last packet:  38.007 sec
* Avg packets/sec: 527.059

* First Packet: 2012-06-16 22:05:58
 * Last Packet: 2012-06-16 22:22:29
* Elapsed: 00:16:30

Traffic captured:
* Packets:   20910
* Between first and last packet:  990.154
* Avg packets/sec: 21.118

Wire Shark Statistics Summary Brief

From these statistics, we can notice that the ether channel link is much faster than the redundant link. It is able to process 527 packets per second when the redundant link need the same time to process only 21 packets.
Note that the redundant link here is R7 to R6 to R4 to R2 to R1 to DLS1




·      DLS1 --> R1 --> R2--> R4--> R6 --> R7 --> DLS2 --> PC2 (
Bandwidth (kb/s)
R4 à R6
R4 à R5
R5 à R6
-the above output shows the route from PC1 to PC2 (with Etherchannel Disable), and because the link from R4 à R6 have about the same bandwidth as from R4 à R5 OSPF will choose R4 à R6 because of its shorter path then the other.

·      DLS1 -->R1 --> R2 --> R4 --> R5 --> R6 --> R7 -->DLS2 --> PC2 (
Bandwidth (kb/s)
R4 à R6
R4 à R5
R5 à R6

- In this second output we made a change  to the bandwidth from from R4 à R6 to 64kb/s, at this point, the traffic will go through the longer path or more hop count because of its higher bandwidth

DLS2#ping repeat 500
Type escape sequence to abort.
Sending 500, 100-byte ICMP Echos to, timeout is 2 seconds:
!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! <output ommited>!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Success rate is 100 percent (500/500), round-trip min/avg/max = 109/112/135 ms


·      DLS2 --> R7 --> R6 --> R4 --> R2 --> R1 --> DLS1 --> PC1 (

- First part of the test we send 500 ping from PC2 à PC1 through the path above with every link enables, as it shows a 100% success 500/500

DLS2#ping repeat 500 (R6 S0/2/1 disabled)

Type escape sequence to abort.
Sending 500, 100-byte ICMP Echos to, timeout is 2 seconds:
!!!!!! <output ommited>!!!!!!!!!!!!..U..U..!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Success rate is 98 percent (494/500), round-trip min/avg/max = 109/133/160 ms
·      DLS2 à R7 à R6 à R5 à R4 à R2 à R1 à DLS1 à PC1 (
- Second part of the test we disconnect the link from R6 à R4, so OSPF will recalculate the new routes and send the packets through. In the above output shows “!” for every successful packet delivered and “...” for packets failed. It shows the final output of 494/500 so it missed only six packets.
- 6 (packet lost) x 2 (timeout) = 12 seconds (convergence time)

DLS2#ping repeat 2000
Type escape sequence to abort.
Sending 2000, 100-byte ICMP Echos to, timeout is 2 seconds:
<output ommited>
Success rate is 100 percent (2000/2000), round-trip min/avg/max = 1/2/9 ms

·      DLS2 à DLS1 à PC1 (
DLS2#ping repeat 2000 (Port Channel disabled)
Sending 2000, 100-byte ICMP Echos to, timeout is 2 seconds:
<Output Ommited>
*Mar  1 02:50:46.961: %LINEPROTO-5-UPDOWN: Line protocol on Interface FastEthernet0/4, changed state to down
*Mar  1 02:50:47.003: %LINEPROTO-5-UPDOWN: Line protocol on Interface FastEthernet0/3, changed state to down
<Output Ommited>
*Mar  1 02:50:47.011: %LINEPROTO-5-UPDOWN: Line protocol on Interface Port-channel2, changed state to down
!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! U.U.!!!!!!!!!!!
Success rate is 99 percent (1996/2000), round-trip min/avg/max = 1/44/143 ms

- We have enable the Etherchannel Link for this test to see if there will be an effect on its convergence time, and increase the ping from 500 à 2000 as Etherchannel send packets really fast so we needed a bit of time to accomplish this test.       

·      DLS2 --> R7 --> R6 --> R4 --> R2 --> R1 --> DLS1 --> PC1 (
- the last test we disable the etherchannel again to see if there will be a difference as the first test using the Fast Ethernet link with 500 ping. The result shows not much of a difference as it lost only 4 packets out of 2000.

- 4(packet lost) x 2 (timeout) = 8 seconds (convergence time)

2000 pings with R6àR5 shutdown;.
R6 à R4 band = 64 kbps
2000 ping with R6à R4 Cost set to 1000
2000 ping with R6àR4 Cost = 1000; R5-R6 Cost = 500; R4-R5 Cost = 500
* First Packet:    20:14:21
 *Last Packet:     20:19:18
* Elapsed: 00:04:57

Traffic captured:
* Packets:                    3865
* Between first and last packet:                   297.022 sec
* Avg packets/sec: 13.013

* First Packet:       21:26:50
 *Last Packet:       21:31:56
* Elapsed: 00:05:05

Traffic captured:
* Packets:                    4249
* Between first and last packet:                   305.468 sec
* Avg packets/sec: 13.910

* First Packet:           21:53:19
 *Last Packet:           21:58:53
* Elapsed: 00:05:34

Traffic captured:
* Packets:                    4270
* Between first and last packet:                   334.080 sec
* Avg packets/sec: 12.781

                                       Wire Shark Statistics Summary Brief

5. Further Work Needed

From the experience we have found out that we have some additional work which needs to be carried out in our research project
-       We need to do more testing before make a final decision eg: run every test for about 10 times and get the average out of it as a final test result. Since our project is more qualitative in nature and if we are to draw conclusions from the gathered raw data.
-       Another point we have noted is that our first topologies were too basic for the comparison tests we are carrying out, there’s need to challenge or drive the protocols to their limits. There might be need to have other scenarios with several nodes.
-       We had a lot of results but were rendered useless due to the failure t o link them to specific scenario and tests .  So there’s need to be specific on all captured results , specifically naming them as for them to be valid.
-       We tried to use the TGN router for our traffic generation, but met some issues , these have to be resolved. We are also looking at traffic generation software.
-       Lastly , all pending issues on our original proposal have to be resolved before the completion of the project.

6. Conclusion

Routing tables across the entire network should converged in minimum time in order to avoid excess traffic loss and that is the main interest of this project. By the experiment that we did so far, we investigated routing convergence under difference situation like disconnecting or disabling a link and also playing around with the Bandwidth to see the effect on convergence time. In concluded that OSPF and EIGRP have converged faster than RIP by the results that we pull out from the test that we have.
Although there will be more testing later on for more result and to finalise our final conclusion for our research.

7. References

1.     Implementing Cisco IP Routing (ROUTE), First Edition June 2010, Cisco Press
Diane Teare

2.     CCIE Professional Development; Routing TCP/IP volume 1, 11th Edition 1998, Cisco Press
Jeff Doyle

3.     Networking Explained, 2nd Edition 2002, Digital Press
William M Hancock PH.D
Michael A. Gallo PH.D

4.     Implementing Cisco Switched Networks (SWITCH), First Edition June 2010, Cisco Press
Richard Froom, CCIE No.5102
Balaji Sivasubramanian
Erum Frahim, CCIE No.7549

5.     Troubleshooting and Maintaining Cisco IP Networks (TSHOOT), First Edition March 2010, Cisco Press
Amir Ranjbar, CCIE No.8669

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